Module -Storytelling
- Even listening to stories promotes the learners' storytelling competence. With the targeted development of this competence, the participants' ability to express themselves can be strengthened, but also their ability to communicate and to be noticed, which is a basic prerequisite for participation.
- Storytelling competences are the ability to reflect and to analyse events, to deal with emotions, to turn experience into a story and to compare experiences with stories.
- Before you encourage your learners to tell complete stories, introduce them to storytelling with small exercises.
- For the actual storytelling in the group, it is important to agree on a few rules, e.g. on listening and feedback.
- With a view to promoting further competences in learners through storytelling, it is important to note that, like any tool or method, it should not be used for its own sake, but with a goal and purpose. The story, or better still, the telling, must be placed in a context.