Module -Storytelling
- Competencies consist of a combination of skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours required for effective performance in a range of situations.
- European Framework for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning identifies and defines eight key competences:
- Literacy competence
- Multilingual or language competence
- Science, technological, engineering and mathematical competence
- Digital competence
- Personal, social and learning competence
- Civic competence
- Entrepreneurship competence
- Cultural awareness and expression competence
- Competence based is based on the idea that the learners learn by experience and discovery.
- Key features of competence based education are
- Meaningful contexts
- Holistic approach
- Constructive learning
- Cooperative, interactive learning
- Discovery learning
- Reflective learning
- Personal learning
- In a storytelling situation in education we distinguish between the story as such, its presentation, the processing of the story with and by the learners and their competence development.