Module -Storytelling

Here you see our proposal for the solution:

The story „Hodja’s fine coat“ could be used with adult learners to address the following issuess:

What is crucial to "belong" to a group? What connects, what separates? Hodja is initially assigned to a group/class because of his work clothes, whose places at the table are far away from the householder at the other end, which expresses the low esteem in which he is held. With a change of appearance, he is not only placed directly at the side of the householder, but also asked for his opinion and advice.

Identity and Recognition:
What makes a person? What makes me? Is it really "only" the outside? Hodja exaggerates: He owes his place at the best end of the table to his coat, therefore (only) his coat deserves the noble food and drinks. )

Please keep in mind that this is only our suggestion of the solution. If you have identified other purposes for which this story is appropriate and can explain that, that is also very good.

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