Module -Storytelling
How can I support my learners in developing further specific competences?
Storytelling is an interesting and powerful tool in (adult) education. However, like any tool or method, it should not be used for its own sake, but with a goal and purpose. It is not enough to simply tell a story. Learners need to be picked up, involved, and accompanied. The story, or even better, the storytelling, must be contextualised. It should be embedded in the didactic planning of the lesson - always against the background of the purpose:- Why do I want to tell this story?
- What do I want to stimulate, trigger, motivate in the learners?
- What competence(s) do I want to foster and develop with my learners?
- What other activities are necessary and suitable for this?
Best practices for competence development through storytelling
As explained in the section on story selection and competences ▾ , StoryComp has identified ten purposes for which storytelling is a suitable method.The Learning Scenarios ▾ in this course illustrate by means of good practices how specifically storytelling can be used for these individual purposes in basic education or civic education. These exemplary implementations contain all relevant information so that you can use and adapt them directly for your teaching or simply be inspired.
Explore our good practices and feel inspired!
Would you like to exchange ideas with others, share your experiences of using storytelling in your classroom or ask
them questions about their experiences? Use the StoryComp Forum ▾ |