Wenn sich eine Gruppe von Menschen mit ähnlichen Interessen zusammentut, um auf dieselben Ziele hinzuarbeiten, ist das eine enorme Kraft.
Idowu Koyenikan
Hier können Sie sich mit anderen aktiven, erfahrenen, neugierigen und interessierten Menschen austauschen, vernetzen, motivieren und inspirieren. Wir, die Projektpartner, sind natürlich auch dabei. Machen Sie mit! |
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Do you need help?This is the place for your questions, be it about the website, the project or a specific issue from your work. Of course, we as the project team will do our best to help you quickly. But of course you are also invited to respond to the questions of other participants. Because we also want to learn a lot ... 😉
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Contribute to our European Story Collection!Do you know a story that is very suitable to be told in a learning setting with adult learners? Share it with us! Please also briefly describe the learning setting in which you told or heard the story so that we can understand what this story is particularly suitable for. We are curious ...
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Welcome to our StoryComp community! Here we invite you to briefly introduce yourself and your work, your interest in the topic and your experiences and, of course, to get to know the other community members. Tell us your story ... - 0
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